
香港大學增設社區疫苗接種中心 NEW CVC in HKU

香港大學將於薄扶林大學校園的本部大樓設立社區疫苗接種中心,提供復必泰疫苗接種服務。 中心於2月23日(星期三)投入服務,公衆於2月21日(星期一)起可網上預約打針。https://bit.ly/3gHnh7w

地址: 薄扶林香港大學本部大樓一樓陸佑堂
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) will launch a Community Vaccination Centre (CVC) on its main campus on February 23, Wednesday. Online booking will open on February 21 (Monday).
Located at historic Loke Yew Hall, the HKU CVC will provide 2,000 BioNTech vaccine doses daily to citizens aged 12 or above. Priorities will be given to the elderly. Medical doctors will be on duty to advise citizens who have health concerns about getting the vaccine.
Address: Loke Yew Hall, 1/F, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam
(Enter via the West Gate Entrance on Pokfulam Road)
(Exit A1 HKU Station)
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